The Student News Site of Elkhart High School

The PENNANT Online

The Student News Site of Elkhart High School

The PENNANT Online

The Student News Site of Elkhart High School

The PENNANT Online

Damien Grise

Damien Grise, Writer-East

I am a freshman who unknowingly joined the Pennant Newsmagazine—but I actually like it! It is peaceful; I can promise that! It’s something I didn’t expect to be in, but it’s funny how life puts a person where he is supposed to be. The class is calm, and in the quiet, I can write about my own subjects freely—obviously not my own opinion on things, but it’s the subjects I can chose freely. Writing is providing me the opportunity to explore ideas and learn how to express them to others. It will be a great break from what I normally do! I mainly just go home and socialize on the internet, and I go see my friends every once in a while. But, overall, I don’t do much with my free time.

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Damien Grise