Simple pursuit: All girl prayer group now meets at Memorial
Q&A with group leader, senior Jeanne Elliott
Photo submitted by Jeanne Elliot
BACK: Lynsey White, Lauren Elliot, Mattie Kauffman, Jeanne Elliot, Paityn Sheldon, Felisha Campanello FRONT: Natalie Wolschlager, Gabby Scott, Mady Wheeler, Sarah Brummet, Trinity Fine, Morgan Dyer Simple Pursuit is an all girl prayer group that has been meeting since 2017.
March 4, 2019
GENESIS: When and why did you start this prayer group?
Jeanne Elliot: We started this group in the fall of 2017. I had such a busy schedule no groups at church worked for me so before school was a perfect time. We also wanted to reach girls at school who didn’t have a home church or had never been involved before. The school also lacks a christian leadership group in general; no one has stepped up to reach any Christians here at a public school.
G: Tell me about what a typical meeting is like. What goes on during one.
JE: Currently we are reading a book, so we start with prayer and then discuss the section we read and interpret it into our lives and then close making prayer cards. Prayer cards are where everyone writes their prayer requests and then we all have someone else’s for the week to pray over them. We then get new ones at the next meeting. We close in prayer as well.

Sophomores Trinity Fine, Gabby Scott, Felisha Campanello; Juniors Morgan Dyer and Sarah Brummet meet in Amy Semancik’s room before school on Tues. Feb. 5. Simple Pursuit is an all girl prayer group that has been meeting since 2017.
G: What overall goal do you want this group to achieve?
JE: We strive to have a positive group to help one another grow in our faith together as well as touch the lives of those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior around us.
G: So I know that your group used to meet at Martin’s, but that changed. Where do you meet now and when? Why the change?
JE: We are meeting at the school now. Mrs. Semancik was nice enough to let us in and use her room. We meet at 6:30am and we are able to be spread out and have a more private and intimate atmosphere. It allows us to be in a circle and have better discussions as well.
G: I have only seen girls in this group, why is that? Is everyone welcomed to this group?
JE: This is only a girls group, yes. We have very open and private conversations it wouldn’t be as intimate with boys allowed. I strive to provide a safe and non-judgmental group where everyone sympathizes and will be there for one another. The decision to leave it open for girls only made the most sense in that aspect.
G: Since you are graduating this year, is there anyone who is going to take over next year?
JE: Yes, I plan to have someone take over for me next year. Trinity Fine will more than likely be that person.

(Top to bottom) Freshmen Paityn Sheldon and Mattie Kauffman; sophomore Felisha Campanello, seniors Jeanne Elliott and Lynsey White; sophomore Gabby Scott, juniors Morgan Dyer and Sarah Brummet; freshman Natalie Wolschlager and Lauren Elliott, and sophomore Trinity Fine laugh together at their Christmas party on Saturday, Dec. 8. 2018. Simple Pursuit is an all girl prayer group that has been meeting since 2017.
G: What activities do you girls do together?
JE: We are currently reading a book and we go through that each week. However, some weeks we have trust exercises and do that sort of thing. We had a Christmas party in December which was really fun. I hosted at my house and they all stayed the night as well.
G: Do you have to go to church in order to be in this group?
JE: No, you do not have to go to church to be in the group. I created this group because I was unable to go to my girls group at church because I was so busy. I still go Sunday mornings though. Some of the girls do not have a supportive family, so getting to church can be hard.