Senior Check-up: One month in…
Senior Jenaro Delprete reflects on his own struggles during COVID-19 and the struggles of other seniors.
Senior Jenaro Delprete is a second year staff writer for GENESIS who specializes in music and movie reviews.
April 28, 2020
Well, here we are–a little over one month into the quarantine and the closure of school. I guess I don’t have much of an actual statement of what’s going on, but I know that everyone has different feelings, and I thought I would highlight my own and some others.
I think the first thing I noticed when we were removed from school is how different we all connect to each other. While it’s easy to Facetime your best friend of four years, it’s a little different contacting your buddy who sits next to you in art class or sociology who you had a good giggle with, or your gym class partner.
I felt as if a portion of my life was a little bit wrong with how off putting it was to just not be following any sort of routine like we did at school.
Second hour I would talk with Mrs. Hartman about the top 1% and joke with Britany. Sixth hour I would tell Ty to be quiet when Ms. Sailor was talking. I had a routine, it was plain and simple. Now I wake up and log on, it just feels different.
For all my fellow seniors, I have to tell you from the bottom of my heart, I know how you’re feeling right now. The moment when we found out we would not be finishing out the year in person, I was heartbroken. I spent three years just trying to get out as fast as I could, and now it’s all over. All I wish I could do is turn back the clock and spend a little more time taking it in and experiencing the high school years a little slower.
Here I am now, getting through it the best I can. I know it is a little different for everyone, but staying on top of things and being on task has been incredibly difficult. I just get the feeling that everything I am doing is insignificant in a sense.
My classes are important and I do hold them to the same standards I did when we were in class, but it just feels like I’m lacking whenever I finish a task; I guess the best word to use would be trivial. I have the overwhelming sense that the world is falling apart around me and I feel the pressure of that, but I know I am still expected to get my assignments completed. All is not well with the state of the world, but my schoolwork still needs to be pristine and on time. The show must go on, but I know a lot of us have a hard time compartmentalizing these things in a time like this.
I interviewed Senior Britany Nicely about our little situation and here’s some things she had to say:
“I feel like for me, the hardest takeaway has been losing graduation, like I know that’s a given, but it was taken away from us and now I don’t know what I’ve been working for,” Nicely said. “I’m not sure if I would’ve made it this far without the help of my teachers one-on-one. Especially with my harder subjects like chemistry and math. I am really struggling and stressed because I simply don’t have the same level of understanding through a Canvas lesson.”
I found this common theme with a lot of my senior friends, including Emma Masten.
“I have been really stressed to say the least,” Masten said. “My assignments haven’t gotten any easier since we left and I am falling behind in my learning because some things I just can’t hold onto. My teachers are trying their best to help, and I know it’s out of their control, but I am honestly overwhelmed.”
Masten said this and I was immediately struck by it. She said the words that I have been failing to come to terms with: stressed, overwhelmed.
With classes continuing at full speed and with no real concept of an end to this in sight, I just have the feeling that the seniors are struggling with the effects of the pandemic the most.
I want to be clear that I don’t speak for everyone, but I do want to speak for those who are struggling at this moment in history.
Our performance in online classes at this time are not exactly an accurate representation of who we are as students.
This is just a hard time to be focused and to completely understand all that we are learning. And to all our teachers and counselors and principals, we thank you for doing your absolute best to guide us through these hard times.
The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the GENESIS staff. Reach Jenaro DelPrete at [email protected].
Corin Sailor • Apr 28, 2020 at 8:51 am
I can give you my phone number and you can call at anytime during any school day and ask my children to be quiet when I’m trying to work. I need it now more than ever, lol! Miss you.