Schools Of Study Connect On Facebook


Salah Ali, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered what’s going on in each School of Study? Maybe what might be going on in the school? Look no further than Facebook! Every School of Study has a Facebook account with a mountain of information–stuff like interesting classes, activities that occurred, important reminders, and just general information can all be found by scrolling through these pages. 

Mrs. Amy Stine, the teacher who is the posting for the Arts & Communication School of Study, said that “this was a great way for everyone to be connected.” While looking through the Facebook page, there was a lot of positivity talking about everything going on in the school of study for Arts & Communication–things like how the band has a new practice area, shouting out teachers for doing an awesome job, and even students around the campus who were participating in various activities. It was truly an amazing resource that students should follow.

Most students asked knew very little about their own School of Study, and even about Elkhart High School. Many of them indicated that they really only knew about the “big info” for the school, but nothing really about some of the other activities going on in their School of Study. One student, Makayla Cardoza, a sophomore, put it plainly: “I don’t really know about anything interesting in my School of Study right now.” This same group of people also indicated that they would like to know more. “Yes! I’m very forgetful,” admits Cardoza, “and I don’t ever find out something about the school until someone tells me.”

Because there are plenty of students who don’t know much about what even goes on in their own School of Study, the school has created Facebook groups dedicated to giving out information on the goings-on of the school. It is a cool way to show off what happens in the school to both parents and students who want to learn about important events or even just some of the things that are changing.