Big Blue Wave Dives in to Season

Irlyn Milfort, Writer

As swimmers step on the blocks, ready to take their mark, they have one thing in mind:   winning.

Swimming for both boys and girls began in late October and their season goes as far as early February. It’s a very time demanding sport with practices almost every day and meets that last for hours. There are a total of 12 meets, with boys and girls having one meet separate, not coed like the rest of them. But, those are only the regular season meets. Afterwards, there’s about five more meets: NIC, sectionals, prelims, and finals for both boys and girls.

Lilly Grove, 11, and Raina Kunder, 11, who have been swimming for a majority of their life say that their favorite aspect about meets are “the cheers that we have for everyone and being able to cheer our friends on during a race.” Both Grove and Kunder have been swimming since they were younger and have learned to love their sport. But, with every sport, there are moments of ups and downs. Part of that involves the coaching. Grove express that her relationship with her coach is a “love-hate relationship” and Kunder adds that she loves her sport and has fun, but “getting yelled at is definitely my least favorite part about swimming.” Yet, both recognize the tough coaching has pushed them to be better swimmers.

Soon, though, Elkhart Central swimming will become Elkhart High swimming with both Memorial and Central combining sports starting next fall. Things will be different for swimmers, such as the way practices are run and maybe even coaching style. Grove and Kunder who will be affected by the combining of teams aren’t very worried about it, though. “We already know a lot of the swimmers, so it won’t be weird,” inputs Kunder, and Grove adds, “The only thing that would be weird for me is seeing them at practice!”

However, the merging of sports is still a school year away. Thus, for now, the team will dive in and get this year’s job done, making a splash finishing up their last season as the Blue Wave.