Job Opportunities: They’re Just A Google Slide Away!

EHS Student Weekly Announcements highlight internships and other job opportunities within the community.

Nerlyn Martinez-Esqueda, Writer-East

“Help Wanted” used to be the “go to” section in a newspaper for people looking for work. Today—for EHS students anyway—they need look no further than the Student Weekly Announcements. What could be easier!

Unfortunately, a lot of students have no idea that they receive an email every Monday with the updated announcements in a Google Slide format. And, that among these slides are opportunities for employment. “I usually read the weekly school announcements,” begins Noe Agripino, a West Campus sophomore. “That’s how I found out that Elkhart High gives us students the opportunity to participate in internships.” Elkhart High School has announced multiple opportunities for internships, some paid while some are to gain experience. 

Seed to Feed, for example, offers the opportunity to educate students—through gardening—about nutrition and also teaches valuable skills that will help in future jobs. Their Teen Growers Internship is an eight-week paid internship offered to students ages 15 to 18 living in Elkhart. The job consists of working in a greenhouse and garden at Church Community Services in Elkhart. Seed to Feed produces fresh fruit and vegetables for food pantry guests. Currently, they are accepting applications for the Spring Session. 

Elkhart General Hospital has a High School Clinical Internship Program. Students first choose a career track, like nursing, therapy, radiology, and pharmacy. Students will then be offered CPR training and certification at the end of the semester. This is a great opportunity for students interested in any of these fields, as it will give them real-world experience and will look great on college applications. The requirements for eligibility are being a high school senior, having up-to-date vaccine records with  flu shot and PPD Skin Test, and also having Scrubs. 

Media Specialty Vehicles is offering 18-year-olds the opportunity to work mornings through the school year, as well as a full-time job during the summer. Students would be on the production line assembling ambulances. The pay starts at $12 an hour. This could be used as a 4th 9-week internship on resumes. 

Along with internships, the school announces other types of job opportunities. Michiana Video is perfect for students interested in technology or broadcasting. Also, Welch Packaging is also looking for after-school students for part-time positions. 

Remember, all this information is on the Student Weekly Announcement slides. So, those looking for work will need to do just a tiny bit of leg work by opening their email and checking out the links for details. However, the result should pay off!

“I think this is a great way for my peers to engage more with the community and learn more things apart from what school offers. These opportunities will hopefully help an individual learn new skills and help those socialize with others,” continues Agripino. As for himself—would he be interested in investigating these further? “I would consider taking these opportunities because, not only will it help me, but I would be helping others, as well.”

As Agripino says, not only do these internships help students financially and with college applications, but they also involve students in their community. It’s all right there for the taking. Just remember to go read the Student Weekly Announcements!