The Hidden Dangers Of Sitting

It is crucial to stretch the body as well as the mind.

The Hidden Dangers Of Sitting

Mary Grace Lindholm, Writer-East

These days, sitting is inevitable.

Being at home doing school work for hours is not doing high schoolers any favors for their health. The amount of schoolwork can’t be changed, but getting active can.

Although it seems like a small problem, sitting for too long has a huge, negative effect on one’s health. “When I sit for too long, I start to get really bored and unmotivated,” admits Charlotte Myers, a sophomore at Elkhart-East. She is not alone. In fact, all people are subject to the same ill effects. Why? The answer is simple: Humans are meant to be standing and moving. The heart and other body systems work more effectively if the person is active–that’s just how humans were created to be.

Conversely, remaining inactive for a long period of time can increase risk for heart disease, diabetes, weakened muscles, and myriad other physical problems. It’s not just outer effects, though. Being inactive can lead to anxiety and depression.

Although this information is pretty negative sounding, there’s an easy fix. All a person has to do is take a break from sitting about every 30 minutes. And do what, one might ask? Whether it be walking around the house, stretching out, or just standing for a while, this simple action will make a world of difference for both mind and body.

So, in addition to stretching one’s mind during final exams, get up off that couch and stretch the body a bit, too!