Crushing It!

Each generation has its celebrity crushes. Find out who made the list at Elkhart-East.


Neida Delcid, Writer-East

Every generation has its celebrity crushes–from Marilyn Monroe in the 50s to Tom Cruise in the 80s. But, what about today?

Celebrities remain a staple in modern society, so it’s not uncommon for people to find interest in them. From Mila Kunis to Jake Gyllanhal, there are a variety of celebrities to crush on. Many people who really like a certain person, like him or her because of looks or a luxurious lifestyle. In truth, who doesn’t like watching the lifestyles of the rich and famous! 

So, who are the top celebrity crushes at Elkhart-East? These are some of the most common responses from a Pennant survey: Matthew Gray Gubler, Ross Lynch, Kendall Jenner, Zendaya, Harry Styles, Justin Beiber, and Emma Watson.

“My celebrity crush is Mathew Gray Gubler,” says Charlotte Myers, a sophomore at Elkhart-East, “I really like that he is not afraid to be himself, and he encourages others to be themselves.” She goes on to say, “I think we see celebrities and we want to be like them, which is why they play such a big part in society.”

Between Kendall Jenner and Zendaya, 85% voted in the survey for Zendaya, with15% for Kendall. Zendaya played a major role in the lives of most young people who grew up watching Disney. She’s been in Shake It Up, K.C Undercover, and most recently, she won an Emmy Award for her role as Rue in Euphoria. 

Justin Beiber and Ross Lynch also shared a huge role in teen lives while Gen Z was growing up. Beiber was extremely popular with his singing career as a teen. Lynch started as an actor, but he is now in The Driver Era with his brother singing as a duo. In the Pennant poll, Lynch received the popular vote: 71% . Beiber fell much farther behind, with only 29%.

“I love having celebrity crushes,” admits Carter McCourt, a sophomore at Elkhart-East. “They are the only reason I watch a specific movie. And,” he continues, “when I watch a new movie, I’m like ‘Oh! They’re cute,’ so I go watch other things that they are in–or even follow them on Instagram.”

There are some celebrities, however, who stand out more than others. For this surveyed group, it was Harry Styles. Most known for being in One Direction, Styles is a successful solo artist and is breaking gender norms by wearing things that are typically for women. His flamboyant nature has gained him more followers, as well as listeners for his own music. He got the highest vote count with 61% selecting for him and only 39% voting for Matthew Gray Gubler. 

It’s interesting to see how people idolize celebrities, especially the ones that they grew up with! But, as with all crushes, they eventually come to an end. However, that’s when real-life crushes truly begin for most!