Loud and Clear
Is public speaking your thing? You may want to join the Speech Sectional Team.
Speech team members Shamaya Bell, Eric Rodman, and Jasmin Towns perform at the Veteran’s Day assembly on Monday, Nov. 12. The speech sectional team is recruiting new members and the deadline is Friday, Feb. 8.
February 7, 2019
As you may have seen from the numerous posters in the halls, the Speech Sectional Team is in action. Language Arts teacher and speech team coach, Kathryn Lane, answers some questions regarding the history and goals of the Speech Sectional Team.
GENESIS: What exactly is the Speech Sectional Team?
KATHRYN LANE: “The speech sectional team is a team of students who compete against other local high schools in various public speaking events in hopes for a bid to the state tournament. The events vary from theatrical performances (humor, drama, poetry) to more oratorical speaking events and socratic seminar.”
G: What are your hopes for the students involved? What do you want them to accomplish?
KL: “I am hoping for students to try out competitive speaking and learn what speech team really means. It is so much more than just speaking in front of a group of people. There is an event for anyone. My hope is that the students who choose to commit to this team for sectionals will find something they enjoy, do well at the tournament, and hopefully decide to participate in the team next year starting in October.”
G: How many years has this group been active?
KL: “Memorial has had a speech team since the 1970s. We have been actively competing every year, and would love to grow our program for next season.”
G: What is the most rewarding aspect of mentoring a group like this?
KL: “I love to see students develop their skills in speaking and do amazing things with their ability. For example, I had a student who wanted to do radio broadcasting when he was a freshman, but he mumbled and stuttered quite a bit when he talked. Through hard work and practice he ended up competing at the state tournament his junior year and now he has his own radio show in Southern Indiana. Speech team can open doors for so many people in ways you wouldn’t even imagine.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, it is not too late. However, the deadline is approaching soon. See Mrs. Lane in B106 by Friday, Feb. 8, for information. Practices are held after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Students are required to practice for one hour a week to compete at sectionals.