Calling All Gamers: New esports team, Elkhart High Elite

There is a future in what you are doing every single day in your house

Kailey Blazier, Opinion Editor

Are you tired of playing games in your room with the same old people? Are you tired of playing the same games because you cannot afford to buy more?

Well, we have the answer for you! Elkhart High Elite has arrived at Memorial! Esports is a program where players can game with other high schoolers and even compete against other high schools.

I know what you’re thinking: “My parents will NEVER let me. They think I game enough!”

You are right! They do think you game enough, but that is not the only thing that gamers do in this program. Gamers also lift weights for 30 minutes twice a week and participate in cardio on Saturdays to stay in shape.

Are you active in other sports and extracurricular activities and think that you cannot possibly fit one more commitment into your tight schedule? Coach Steven Robinson encourages you to speak to him because ESports can be flexible.

Even more exciting is that joining a team like Elkhart Elite could give you the experience you need to earn scholarships for college or to earn an income playing games at the professional level.

“I am not here just to see you guys play video games or just to have a good time,” Robinson said. “I am here to get you out of Elkhart.”

Elkhart High Elite meets Mon.,Tues., Wed., Thurs. from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sat. from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Competitions are scheduled throughout the week and practices are held on Saturdays.

If you are still unsure if Esports is the right team for you, coming out and trying it is encouraged.

There is no commitment if you are just trying it, but once you have decided to join, attendance to practices and competitions is expected unless you have a conversation with coach beforehand letting him know a situation where you would be unable to show.

Esports is a team like no other where players have the opportunity to game with people just like them.

If you have questions, email Coach Robinson at [email protected]. The possibilities are endless.

Check out Elkhart High Elite’s website here.