Athlete of the week: Teagen Rodriguez
Photo courtesy of Wendolyn Morales
Sophomore runner Teagen Rodriguez is our athlete of the week.
April 13, 2020
With big dreams and determination, sophomore runner Teagen Rodriguez is our GENESIS athlete of the week!
GENESIS: What sports do you play?
TEAGEN RODRIGUEZ: Track and cross country.
G: What made you start playing sports?
TR: I was an energetic kid who needed an outlet to relieve my energy levels.
G: If you could play any sport that you haven’t already, what sport would you play? Why?
TR: I would do boxing because it’s such a thrill and it’s out of my comfort zone.
G: What is your favorite sport to play, or to watch? Why?
TR: My favorite sport is track and xc because when running I can control what happens and I won’t have to rely on teammates as much.
G: When did you start playing sports?
TR: I started sports when I was in kindergarten I was a wrestler and from there I did soccer and realized I was just a good runner and running became my sport.
G: Do you plan on playing sports in college? After college? Why or why not?
TR: Yes, I plan on running in college.
G: What are your greatest achievements in sports?
TR: I received the Junior Bringle award and Best Male Athlete of the Year in 8th grade.
G: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself, regarding sports?
TR: I would go back and tell my 8th grade self that to stretch some more before Big 11 because my knee is going to give out in the last 100 meters.
G: If you could give advice to anyone interested in sports, what advice would you give?
TR: I would tell people that if you’re gonna do sports, you need to give it your all and not just float but be there and become someone.
G: Who inspires you, in sports?
TR: My inspirations are Eluid Kipchoge and Steve Prefontaine and Bruce Lee.
G: What drives your performance in sports?
TR: My drive is to become an Olympian and to become the best at what I do but also to show my mom that all her effort is not for nothing.

Sophomore Teagan Rodriguez works to pass a Concord runner during the 2019 cross country season. He is our GENESIS athlete of the week.
G: Is there anything you wish to gain from playing sports?
TR: I wish to be recognized and mostly self-gratification.
G: What are your goals, regarding sports?
TR: I want to run under 4 minutes and win an Olympic medal.
G: What are your struggles in athletics?
TR: I struggle with being too hard on myself.
G: Do you have any regrets, regarding sports?
TR: I only regret not stretching enough in 8th grade.
G: What are you most proud of, regarding sports? Why?
TR: I’m proud of running in the low 17s and I’m coming for the 16s. I’m proud because my hard work is paying off.
G: If you could go back in time, what would you do differently, regarding sports?
TR: I wish I would’ve quit soccer sooner.
G: Are there any obstacles that you have overcome?
TR: Yes, I was always shorter than my competitors and them being taller meant that they had longer strides, so I had to work 3 times harder than they did.
G: What would you say to your coaches, if you were able to say anything at all?
TR: If I could tell my coaches anything, I would tell them thank you because they’re the ones who helped shape and form me into the person I am. Mr.Homo has been the one to fuel my fiery passion to compete. Thanks to all of them for giving me this outlet. Without it, I’d probably be getting into trouble.