Enjoy the best cult-classic: “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”
Lyn Jarrell recommends the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” for its musical, supernatural, and futuristic aspects.

The logo for the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”. *No copyright- use of Public Domain*
March 4, 2020
Perhaps you’ve heard of the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” and if you haven’t, well, all I can say my friend, is that you are really missing out on a wild and entertaining ride.
Full of so many plot lines, it’s the best cult-classic that I’ve ever seen. Not to mention, every character has a very distinct personality of their own.
Each character is portrayed with such differences that it is almost hard to follow the direction that the movie is taking, but that is also what makes the movie so interesting. Sure, it can be pretty cheesy at times, but the lack of modern equipment was the one to blame for that.
Explaining “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is very hard.
It was quite “exploitive” for it’s time, with the use of transvestites and complete disregard of gender roles, the movie seemed quite focused on a futuristic atmosphere rather than the typical modernistic portrayal of their characters, who would’ve had to play parts regarded to gender roles and societal tolerance.
Before “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” became a movie, it had originally been a theatre show, or more so, a theatre specialty. The movie originally premiered on September 27, 1975, and it featured a well-known actor in today’s era: Tim Curry.
Although Tim Curry had already been playing the part of Dr. Frank ‘n’ Furter, (the most influential and bewildering character), while on Broadway and in theatres, the most significant recognition that he’s gotten for his magnificent acting, came from continuing to play the role of Dr. Frank ‘n’ Furter when it became a movie.
Curry explained in a 1974 interview that the show had become what it was, because of the author, Richard O’Brien’s “obsession with naivete” and that O’Brien “always liked teen-age culture, really. He sort of collects Marvel Comics. He likes plots and narratives- you know- honest, entertainment.”
I can assure you, that “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” lived up to the author’s expectations in regards to entertainment and naivete. The movie stays true to the original theatre version of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” which involves a naive newly wedded-honeymooning couple that gets stuck, seemingly, in the middle of nowhere.
The only source of shelter is a Gothic styled mansion, in which they go to in the hopes of getting to use a telephone. Only, the mansion holds many surprises that lead to the young couple forgetting about their need for a telephone.
The extravagances of the theatre version and the movie version make it all worthwhile to devote your attention to it. It contains musical, supernatural, and futuristic aspects that make the entire movie intriguing and whimsical.
If you enjoy complexity and wild entertainment, I highly recommend that you watch this movie. You’ll be amazed at how progressive this movie really is, for it’s time.
The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the GENESIS staff. Email Lyn Jarrell at [email protected].