Artist of the week: Ivan Soeun
Senior Ivan Soeun not only plays football, but he also puts a lot of his energy into art.
March 3, 2020
Senior Ivan Soeun doesn’t just run passes and score touchdowns. He also puts in time in the Art Department using his creative energies to create various forms of art.
Read below to find out more about our Artist of the Week:
GENESIS: Why do you enjoy art?
IVAN SOEUN: “I enjoy having an outlet to express my creativity.”
G: Tell me about the rhyme and reason to your creation process.
IS: “Whenever I’m making any form of art, it just easily comes to me and feels right. I don’t really have any inspiration behind my pieces. I just think about something and then go off of that idea.”
G: How do you prepare your mind for the creation process?
IS: “I don’t really have a process. I just let the ideas come to me and then create them.”
G: Is there anything you would want to say to those who are trying to get into art and become better?
IS: “Find your art style, everyone’s is different, so find your way to express your creativity.”
G: What are your favorite pieces?
IS: “My top pieces would have to be my clay elephant, Stella, and my drawing Animal Balloons.”