Musician of the Week: Charley Torres
Photo Courtesy of Charley Torres
From left to right Tech Ryan Hostetler, Senior Charley Torres, Sophomore Ben Weimer, and Senior Trevor Kehoe preform in the 2019 Winterfest Parade. This is an annual event the Crimson Charger Command preforms in.
January 31, 2020
Senior Juan (Charley) Torres is not only an amazing musician, but he is also loved by all who come into contact with him. He can constantly be found on social media making memes and creating funny videos that make people laugh. Also, with his urge to continue music past the high school level, this was one of the reasons we named him our Musician of the Week.
GENESIS: What and who inspired you to become a musician? Why did you end up on the drums?
CHARLEY TORRES: I was inspired to play the drums from my brother. Growing up, we would bond over drums and he inspired me to play in the marching band drumline just as he did.
G: Do you play for a band(s)? If so how long?
CT: No, but I do hope to play in a band some day.

From left to right Senior Charley Torres, Tech Ryan Hostetler, Sophomores Ben Weimer and Porschia Kemery perform at North Side Gym for pep band during a home basketball game.
G: Is your family supportive of what you have done this far in your musical career? do you want to go further in this career?
CT: My family is super supportive of my drumming achievements; however, I’m not sure what the future holds for me just yet.
G: Do you have a goal you wish to achieve in the future in your musical career? If not musical, what are your life goals?
CT: Well, my dream life goal is to be successful in the music industry and drums have a chance to be a big part of that dream.
G: Do you play for the school at all? What classes?
CT: I do actually. Last semester I was center snare for the Memorial Marching Band (Fall). And at the basketball games, I am center for the pep band (Winter). It’s what makes me feel alive and motivated to continue.
G: How long have you known how to play the drums?
CT: As long as I can remember, I’ve known how to play as far back as I was four years old. Drums have always been a big part of my life.
G: Would you say that playing the drums is almost therapeutic for you? or just a hobby you find fun?
CT: Absolutely therapeutic! Drumming is a great way to release my stress, especially during contest season and even for school work.
G: Have/do your parents also played an instrument? If so, which one?
CT: Surprisingly enough, neither one of my parents have played an instrument. I think my brother found his own passion for it and I fed off that.