Musician of the Week: Vincent Williams
Vinny Williams on his album cover for “Dissociate.”
February 6, 2020
Senior Vincent “Vinny” Williams is an up and coming solo artist out of our local community of musicians and entrepreneurs. I got the most exclusive and raw thoughts in our interview with the man, the myth, and the legend known as “Obscre.”
GENESIS: “What are some of your hobbies and interests aside from music?”
VINNY WILLIAMS: “I like to longboard, sometimes I play videogames. I like to mess around with technology and see how some things work, teach myself some basic stuff about it. I’m also trying to work out a decent amount now.”
G: “What got you into music?”
V: “My parents and grandparents have always been musicians, so I’ve grown up always paying attention to music. I started to actually listen to the lyrics and discover how much of a passion I had for it. I joined band in 6th grade as a percussionist, and then things went on from there.”
G: “What are your biggest inspirations?”
V: “Musically, my inspirations vary a lot. My Father, Jon Bellion, Notorious B.I.G, Frank Sinatra and a few others are the most that I look up to. I try to listen to as much music as I can and I try to diversify what I listen to. Old jazz is a favorite of mine, as well as many others.”
G: “Are you a trend follower or a trend setter?”
V: “I feel as though I’m sort of both. There are things that I started doing that I’ve noticed others start doing, but I also believe that I’ve followed others in some sorts of ways. Either way, you should just do what you want to do at the end of the day.”
G: “Do you plan on continuing your music at PFW?”
V: “Yes, I’m going to attend PFW for music production and recording where I’ll be able to learn the ins and outs of how to produce and engineer sounds. Hopefully, it will help me grow as an artist as well.”
G: “What goes into production?”
V: “A lot of time, mostly. Yeah, you need to understand things like frequencies and high pass, low pass and a bunch of other technical stuff, but you really just need to focus on what sounds good and how to execute it properly which takes a lot of time.”
G: “Where can we find your music?”
V: “Most of my music is on all major streaming platforms. My stage name is ‘Obscre.’ As of now, it’s mostly rap, but I’m going to try to make the best music that I can and extend to rock, RnB, pop, and more.”
G: “Can you describe the community of creators around you, either here at EMHS or anywhere in your life or online?”
V: “I’d say that Elkhart has a lot of potential. I’m in touch with a few bands, as well as solo musicians and rappers that could all do really great things. I also feel like some of these groups need to break out of their shell a little more and potentially collaborate and put our skills together. Online, it’s really nice because you can contact people from across the world and make great music together, and have people from all around the world hear what you have going on.”
Here at EMHS and GENESIS, we aim to support our community of artists, musicians, and athletes as they further their journey through high school and beyond. Growing together and helping others is a huge cornerstone of the community itself as well as for the rest of the student body. You can find Vinny here at this link and continue to grow and support all others: Link: