Athlete of the week: Robbie Stilley

Photo courtesy of Kevin Hartman
Robert (Robbie) Stilley playing defense at an EMHS football game.
November 25, 2019
Staff Writer Lyn Jarrell sits down with sophomore football player Robert (Robbie) Stilley to talk obstacles, goals, and inspiration.
GENESIS: What made you start playing sports?
Robbie: My dad, actually. He played before, so I wanted to, too.
G: If you could play any sport that you haven’t already, what sport would you play? Why?
R: I’d play baseball, just because it’s a sport that isn’t quite like football.
G: What is your favorite sport to play? To watch?
R: Football is my favorite sport to play and watch. Especially college football.
G: When did you start playing sports?
R: I started playing sports in third grade.
G: Do you plan on playing sports in college? After college?
R: Yes, I plan to play in college and after college.
G: What are your greatest achievements in sports?
R: My greatest achievements are the times that I’ve succeeded, even when it seemed like I wouldn’t have. Especially scoring.
G: What are your least favorite sports to play? To watch?
R: Basketball is my least favorite sport to play and watch. It’s just boring to me.
G: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself, regarding sports?
R: I’d tell myself to not be as bad at it as I was. To put more effort into it.
G: If you could give advice to anyone interested in sports, what advice would you give?
R: I’d tell them to make sure they are willing to put in the effort needed and to put in the work, because joining a sport is a commitment you make, to not only yourself, but also to the team.
G: Who inspires you, in sports?
R: My dad inspires me in sports.
G: What drives your performance in sports?
R: The desire to be good.
G: Is there anything you wish to gain from playing sports?
R: Not really. There really isn’t anything I can think of that I’d wish to gain from sports. At least, not right now.
G: What are your goals, regarding sports?
R: To not suck at it. To be better.
G: What are your struggles in athletics?
R: Not just for me, but a major struggle regarding the team overall, is communication.
G: Do you have any regrets, regarding sports?
R: I regret the times that I’ve made mistakes that were so easy not to make.
G: What are you most proud of?
R: I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.
G: If you could go back in time, what would you do differently, regarding sports?
R: I’d put more effort into it. I’d try to take it more seriously.
G: Are there any obstacles that you have overcome?
R: Not really any obstacles. I’ve overcome my own doubts and the doubts of others.
G: What would you say to your coaches, if you were able to say anything at all?
R: I’d tell them to be more communicative. That’s a big problem they have: miscommunication. But I’d also thank them for the opportunities they’ve given me, as well. The moments I’ve had are the ones that have led me to where I am today, even if they were bad and/or good moments in sports.