5sos brings the sauce
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer leaves Jenaro wanting more
Senior Jenaro DelPrete is a staff writer and social media manager for Elkhart Memorial GENESIS who specializes in music reviews.
September 28, 2019
Australian pop sensation under the name “5 Seconds of Summer” released their new single “Teeth” on Aug. 19. Bringing in elements of their new industrial flavor, this is easily one of the strongest tracks of the band’s discography. Following up their first single from their forthcoming album, 5sos aims to reach even more mature demographics than in previous records.
Musically, this song is what I like to call “spicy.”
I mean, the first opening bass riff could have been ripped straight from Marilyn Manson or Nine Inch Nails. I have to give it to these Australian fellows, they really know how to capture the essentials of punk and alternative and put it into one of the catchiest pop songs I’ve heard in awhile. The overall feel of the song, the timbre and the emotion put into it create one heck of a ride. While there’s nothing soaring and amplifying like in their older work, the vibes just pulsate and pull me into something completely new.
We’re gonna talk about something real quick. When this band started out, they were instantly a teenage heartthrob sensational boy band. I can say with full honesty that I despised this growing up, mostly to fulfill my quota of being a bad boy and not just another wannabe cool guy. But dear Mangy, this is a stark departure from the olden days.
Beefy, angry drums pound away every time that pre-chorus comes in. Shrill and dissonant guitars strip this of all its teeny-bopper glory days. The vocals, oh those vocals. Every verse gives me chills as these low, sexy clean singing lines just vibrate the air as clear as the morning sun. And when that chorus hits with that boosted bass tone and the gritty drums, the layering vocals over the top of that just melts the very being of my soul.
I do have some obvious complaints about this song that I hope gets fixed with the rest of the record when it releases. My main issue is that besides the chorus, the lyrics are kind of weak and maybe even a little overdone. I wish there were more thought-provoking, dare I say “interesting” lyrics in this song. I feel that with such an interesting, bold choice in actual music, the lyrics should match a little better, but I understand, they have got to stick with their audience base of the lowest common denominator. The mix is a little too fuzzy in some spots–it’s got a little too much post production effects on something as simple as a turnaround which just feels flat out unnecessary. I don’t think this is anything that is going to absolutely destroy the album though, relatively easy to fix after the initial response of their first two singles.
To recap in as few words as possible, “Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer uprooted any and all expectations I had prior to its release. The overall feel of the song is haunting and borderline risque, the music itself is so dang aggressive and well put together that I can’t say anything bad about it. All of the vocals and their melodies give me the shakes at night. I’d say a strong 8.5/10 Mrs. Greenfields. Pretty great stuff. Rock on Chargers.
The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the GENESIS staff. Reach Jenaro DelPrete at [email protected].