With the opening of the new welcome center, security tightens
Elkhart Memorial’s very own SRO Officer Presswood and Leticia Armstrong check for students ID’s on Wednesday, Sept. 4.The opening of the new welcome center and security kiosk has tightened security on campus.
September 20, 2019
All the merge commotion going on around the school this year is crazy, whether it’s the construction sites around every corner, or the administration and teachers moving offices all the time. One prominent change is the new location of the Elkhart Memorial Welcome Center and security kiosk.
The new welcome center is something that everyone who walks into the school will notice, and this renovation was much needed, along with our new front office. By relocating the kiosk, security at Elkhart Memorial has tightened.
Leticia Armstrong, who is the most familiar face at the security kiosk, said, “It’s much easier to check ID’s of all people who walk in the building being this close to the entrance.”
Not only is Armstrong checking each an every ID, but she has also been monitoring the food that is coming into the building. Gone are the days that students were allowed to walk through the front doors carrying multiple Martin’s or Jimmy Johns bags.
Armstrong has been instructed by administration to not let students pass through with food for numerous people. Students who have an internship or Career Center are allowed to bring food to school for themselves only.
Also, students should be prepared to show their ID multiple times if they have a schedule that requires them to leave the building multiple times throughout the day. Armstrong is being consistent, and even if she knows a student, she is checking their ID.
It is not only the security kiosk that is breaking down on these rules this year, but administration is throughout the halls as well.
Senior Razel Martinez explained a time where she was caught: “We came in with food for ourselves and we were on our way to Foster’s room for advisory, but her room was locked and that’s when Mr. Kurth walked by and asked when we left to go get food, where then we were lectured about the rules that are in place and why we have them,” she said.
The reason why Martinez was caught and reprimanded was because at the time, she was not a Career Center or internship student. Students who are involved in those programs are required to sign an agreement and to have parent permission to leave the school grounds throughout the day.

A picture of the old location of the security desk in A-hall taken on Wednesday, Sept. 4. As you can see the new location is safer and more efficient than the previous location.
While the security kiosk is preventing unwelcome visitors from entering the building and keeping students from leaving and going to lunch, one thing that Armstrong said is a drawback about the relocation of the security kiosk is that she is now separated from the student body.
With the old location, she was right in the middle of the busy A-hall at Elkhart Memorial. Now, being right at the main entrance, she only has an opportunity to see the students at the beginning and end of the school day.
“I love interacting with you guys,” Armstrong said, “so it’s tough that I don’t get to bother you guys anymore.”