Artist of the Week: Nathanael Schwalm
May 9, 2019

Junior Nathanael Schwalm poses with his piece. Schwalm created the “Tentacle Vase” for AP art.
GENESIS staff writer, Kaitlin Presswood, sits down with Junior Sculpture and Ceramics student Nathanael Schwalm.
G: “What art classes have you taken?”
NS: “Sculpture 1 and 2, Ceramics 1, Painting, and I’m currently in AP Studio art.”
G: “What is your specialty?”
NS: “Ceramics”
G:”Describe your style of art in one word.”
NS: “Unique”
G: “Describe your favorite piece you’ve ever done.”
NS: “The tentacle vase. I took a slab of clay and cut it into fours vertically and rolled it out and formed it to the structure I wanted it to be and added the suction cups to the tentacles and added more minor details to make it as realistic as possible.”
G: “Why is ceramics your favorite form of art?”
NS: “I feel that ceramics and sculpture is fun to do, but it is also challenging when you get really into the details.”
G: “Who influences you in terms of your work?”
NS: “Mr. (Kevin) Hartman really influenced me to get into sculpture and ceramics my freshman year when I took his class. He’s taught me a lot.”
G: “Do you plan to use ceramics in your future everyday life?”
NS: “I don’t know if I have any intentions of doing it in the future, but it is a possibility that I end up doing something along those lines.”