Kahtia Arnold: Leaving for London!

May 18, 2020
As the school year ends, so does a Senior’s track toward graduation. Thus, it’s time to recognize these Seniors as they reach the finish line.
After a deep breath of relief, now is also the time for Seniors to choose what their next marathon will be! There are so many possibilities for Seniors after graduations. Many students end up going the more traditional route to college, which is a great opportunity for them to pursue more studying to become engineers, doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.
However, the world offers so much for Seniors. Some will decide to take a year off of school before going to college. They may also choose to travel aboard, which is the ultimate freedom of classwork—not to mention the opportunity for getting involved with charity work, saving money, concentrating on personal passions, engaging in fellowship, interning with projects abroad, and becoming online entrepreneurs. Still, others will go straight into the workforce or even sign up for the military.
Kahtia Arnold, a Senior at Elkhart Central High School, has chosen a bit of each option. After attending high school for four years and working much of that time, she is deciding to take a semester off. Interestingly, she plans to stay with her Aunt Peggy, who’s retired from the Navy and lives in London. Then, in the spring, Arnold will return to Indiana, where she will attend Ball State University as a Freshman. For Arnold, it is a dream come true.
Hopefully, after this whole nightmare of a pandemic is over, Seniors will get the opportunity to live out their dreams. After running the good race, it’s their turn to choose what steps they want their lives to take.
Seniors: Take your mark!