Holidays are the times people set aside to spend with family and friends. During these events, family dinners tend to be what brings others together. But, some dinners can definitely be more “spooktacular” than others.
Senior Rozlyn Osowski’s mother takes great pride in creating the eerily enchanting gathering possible each Halloween. It’s not the typical family dinner, by any stretch of one’s imagination. “My mom creates a whole spooky theme to go with Halloween,” Osowski confides rather spiritedly. “She’ll also decorate our dining room table with candles and other ‘things of the nature’.” And, under the cover of black lights, it proves to be nothing short of a glowing event–replete with music to create a perfectly haunting ambiance.
The tradition started five years ago as a way to celebrate the birth of Osowski’s little sister, which coincides with All Hallows’ Eve. And, while the dinner is intended to feature the ghoulish and ghastly finger foods, Osowski’s mother stops short of “it being too much” Osowski insists. “Every year, the menu is different,” Osowski explains. “Last year, she made spaghetti with eyeballs!” Excitedly, she recalls other specialties both past and present. “She also made a crazy potion drink…and this year we had skeleton shaped pizza rolls!” The goal is to add a creative twist for the coming year.
Memories–some more haunting than others–can bring loved ones together. “Just being able to bond together” is what makes this dinner so bewitching to Osowski. “When I’m able to help my mom make dinners, it is very magical to me.” Spending time with her mother definitely creates more of an unbreakable bond between them, but it extends beyond that. “Being able to see my younger siblings get excited and look forward to having this dinner really makes my heart happy, especially seeing as I’m going away to college soon.”
Hopefully, Osowski will continue the tradition with all the new souls she meets at college–complete with Tombstone pizza and chilling drinks. “I will make it something to die for!”