The whole world has gone digital.
This has sparked great controversy. Some believe that it’s a great advancement that brings connectivity, convenience, and endless possibilities to the community, while others have concerns about privacy, security, and the potential for increased isolation. Ultimately, digital transformation is happening, so it is encouraged to learn to navigate it, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Students do the majority of their school assignments on digital devices nowadays. Technology has benefited many by assisting in communication globally, but this could become disadvantageous to some students who cannot navigate the internet. Junior Marina Engle observes that “some students may not have wi-fi or the ability to charge their device. When using paper and pencil, students can accomplish assignments with no troubles.” She continues, “Since COVID, lots of people have turned to technology to communicate with others, and it was required for school. Technology has made it harder for students to complete assignments and understand the curriculum.” There have been increased complications and disadvantages from people using technology, especially for schooling. Some have mixed emotions on how beneficial technology really is.
Another student mentioned, “Considering the immense jump of advancements in technology after COVID, the tech world has been improved significantly. But, school students may want to refrain from going entirely digital.” This student continues: “It cuts off a lot of experience with general education with being in the environment of a classroom. It could be very difficult for one to connect with teachers via technology than in-person, and online classes can make it harder for students to understand the material without having a teacher in front of them ready to answer questions.” Digital technology has so much to offer, yet it depends on how it is handled and how vastly it affects students. Many have had adverse experiences dealing with technology and how it has affected their own lives.
Junior Briza Espindola explains, “Digital technology has widened my horizons on social media but has somehow made me more reserved. It was quite awkward and uncomfortable talking in-person, due to not being able to see others during isolation from COVID.” She continues to say, “I had to learn how to be more social in-person, and it’s still affecting me to this day.” Years afterward, there are long-lasting effects on students after using digital technology for months on end for schooling during quarantine. Some feel that it has affected their levels of academic achievement and that they were left dumbfounded with how much they didn’t learn from it.
It is self-evident that digital technology has its benefits and disadvantages, but the lack of understanding some have of it makes the process of learning more complex. There are countless drawbacks in technology that have affected countless students, and society needs to make sure that students–and many others–can enjoy the benefits of digital technology.