Return Of The Hunger Games 

Netflix exclusive sets the stage for the November release of “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes”

Abby Rauguth, Editor-in-Chief

Catch them while you still can…

For the exclusive month of March, Netflix released the full Hunger Games franchise–free to watch to all members. This has been a dream-come-true for many fans, but the question is still prompted: Why is it getting taken back OFF Netflix? 

With the new excitement of this release, many have already been re-watching the movies, and publicity has kicked back up. Now, for the first time in years, Hunger Games is trending again! Juniors Bayleigh Tweedy and Cymantha Jones both suspect that these movies have been posted simply to gain excitement and publicity for the showing of the new Hunger Games movie that was just announced: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Jones shares, “Netflix is going to remind you of your love for the Hunger Games to build up anticipation for the new movie.” Tweedy agrees that this is all just publicity for the new movie that will premiere Nov. 17, 2023. Though Jones and Tweedy understand this was a publicity move, they will be grieving the loss on Apr. 1. “I need the movies to stay; they are just so comforting,” Tweedy explains. Unfortunately, Jones has already started the grieving process: “I’m very upset! I wish I had more time to spend with them.”

The recent Hunger Games marathon has been very nostalgic for Jones and Tweedy; they have been reminded of their immense love for the characters and plot–but not all hope is lost. Both conclude that the movies have a chance of coming back to Netflix. “Maybe with enough views, they will be able to stay….” Tweedy prompts. “I could definitely see the movies coming back for a second time if another movie is announced,” Jones adds. As for their favorite movie? Both agree on Catching Fire. “The games are just so perfectly created!” Jones exclaims. Tweedy reveals, “It’s truly just the most exciting and entertaining to watch.” While Catching Fire is their favorite, if they had to pick a movie to remain on Netflix, it would have to be the first movie: The Hunger Games. After all, it is where the love first started, and most importantly, when the audience gets introduced to all the characters. Tweedy has the most admiration for the main character Katniss, as she describes her as a “girlboss.” On the other hand, Jones has her heart set on Peeta. “He’s definitely the smartest character, and his kindness is unbeatable.” 

As March is coming to an end, so will the streaming of Hunger Games. The characters are being given their “swan song” on the Netflix screen, but they will hopefully be back sooner than their Mockingbird fans might think!