Out With The Old; In With The New: Saying “Good-Bye” To Advisory

Ryann Ottman, Editor

Advisory has always been a very beneficial time for students, whether it be catching up on work, going to make up tests, or just finally having a final rest period in the day. But, what happens now that it’s gone?

Elkhart High School has recently taken off the original Advisory time from students’ schedules and tacking it on to their 4th and 8th hour classes, lengthening the time spent in those classrooms. While administration may be on board with the change, students have many different thoughts on the topic, such as Mayia Kyle, a junior at Elkhart High. “I think the new schedule is kind of unfair.” She adds,“Since it was our last hour of the day, it’s easier to ask your teachers for help rather than emailing them or to make up tests and quizzes.”

Contrary to Kyle’s opinion on the new schedule, Erick Becerra Valdes, also a junior at the school, remains optimistic and positive about it. “I think the new schedule, for me, is perfectly fine,” but admits this: “Although I will certainly miss my usual Advisory with Mrs. Baker and all the friends I made in that Advisory, it wouldn’t be too bad to try and make new friends now that we stay in our last hours longer.”

Considering Advisory was often used for a catch-up and rest period for students, one comes to wonder what teachers are doing with the additional time with students. Kyle points out that her last hour teachers let their students have their regular Advisory time. Many students have also been advised to use the restroom during class time, as this new Advisory schedule comes with little to no movement for anything during the week. While keeping the halls clearer during Advisory, it is now causing more congestion in the restroom at toward the end of 4th and 8th periods. And, the lack of movement is also eliminating the possibility of making up tests and quizzes; it is simply out of the question for right now.

After seeing how this new schedule has affected some of the students, Kyle thinks about what she’d do differently about the schedule. “Seeing as it’s mostly the issue of students leaving school early, I’d maybe have the doors more well watched,” she suggests. “I’m not sure if it would work or not, but it feels like a better way than punishing students for others’ mistakes.”

Also viewing the Advisory change as “somewhat unreasonable” and a “punishment” to those who do follow the rules, even while remaining positive about it, Becerra Valdes recalls how many students saw their Advisory as somewhat of a safe haven, as it’s a period to relax and to catch up on work.

Implementing another change at school has taken a toll on Elkhart High students and teachers alike. The best anyone can do, though, is try to look on the bright side and continue to “go with the flow.”