Preaching Impeachment

Preaching Impeachment

Maria Lopez, Writer


What comes to mind when hearing the word impeachment? For a majority of people before 2018, the first thought was the Clinton Scandal. If someone were to hear the word impeachment today, the mind will automatically go to one thought: the current President, Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump was elected on Nov. 9, 2016. It is now the year 2020, the year of the reelections and when President Trump completes his presidency and runs again for his second term. However, President Trump’s plan for reelection is endangered. On Dec. 18, 2019, the House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment for President Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

“It was long overdone,” states McKade Nielson, 11, referring to how drawn out the whole process have become. Nielson’s statement is true to the core. President Trump has been in office for three and a half years, close to the end of his term, and it has taken the House of Representative that long to approve impeachment articles. Why impeach President Trump now—mere months before his term is to come to an end? Why not censure him? Whether impeaching or censuring, President Trump’s legacy could still be gravely affected by either. However, the next step the House of Representatives takes can make or break their plan.

The House of Representatives has now passed the impeachment articles on to the Senate in hopes of finally convicting President Trump, taking him down once and for all in their minds. But, the House, dominated by Democrats, must cling on to a silver lining of hope, for the Senate is mostly dominated by Republicans, making it nearly impossible to convict President Trump. The Senate has made it clear that they have no thoughts of convicting President Trump whatsoever.

The House of Representatives’ plan to prevent President Trump from running again for President is taking a turn for the worse if the Senate decides not to convict Trump. Even with the impeachment in the House of Representatives, he will still be eligible to run for his second term if not convicted by the Senate—which begs the question: Why are we wasting We the People’s time, money, and resources on this when there are so many more pressing issues at hand?

The nation’s future is now in the Senate’s and the people’s hands to judge. Let the verdict stand so that the nation can finally move on to bigger and better issues.