Senior Skip Day: Where’d Everybody Go?

Salah Ali, Staff Writer

Where’d everybody go?

In a typical school year, as seniors are ready to start graduating, there’s a day in which seniors just don’t show up to school. This day is called Senior Skip Day, and it usually occurs the Monday after prom. However, with prom just one week before the last day of school this year, that means that seniors are skipping school the first day of finals week. What that situation will entail, who knows?

As this day isn’t officially recognized by the school as a day off  for seniors, it does count as an unexcused absence. While that may not mean much at this point, something more to consider is that– along with the many absences that will take place this day–teachers will have to figure out what to do on this day, with some not even bothering to plan much instructionally. However, there are teachers such as Mrs. Amy Semancik, Mr. Alexander Holtz, and Mrs. April Schneider who actually approve of Senior-Skip Day, even partaking in the tradition at that same point in their lives!

“I like the idea of taking a day on a whim and heading to the beach, a movie, or the nail salon with friends,” Mrs. Semancik states, adding,  “For me, it’s more about mental health than deviance.” Semanchik, as stated previously, did participate in Senior Skip Day. However, “I made sure it wasn’t the day a test or quiz was planned or a paper/project was due,” even adding, “I took care of my responsibilities when I returned.” Semancik’s Senior-Skip Day is what current seniors should strive for; enjoying the day, yet taking care of responsibilities once back.

Mrs. Schneider and Mr. Holtz agree with Mrs. Semancik’s day-off philosophy. Mrs. Schneider, also taking a day off going to a lake with friends, said, “I’m not sure that I have a strong opinion about Senior-Skip Day. I did participate in it a long time ago when I was a senior, so I guess I can’t complain about current seniors taking a day off together!” Mr. Holtz also had something to add to this, stating, “I think it is important that students let their teachers know ahead of time that they will miss that day.” Reflecting briefly, he concludes, “It is so close to the end of the semester that it is a tough day for people to miss. Also, students should always let their parents know where they are.”

For those seniors out today, hope is up that they follow these tips.