Riley Kids: Bears To Brighten Days


Abby Rauguth, Staff Writer

 A donation campaign is underway until May 20: donating stuffed bears for the children at Riley’s Children Foundation!

All around the school, in some classrooms, and in every hub, boxes have been placed by EHS’s JAG students to collect stuffed animals. All stuffed animals collected will soon be donated to the Riley’s Children’s Hospital. This organization offers hope and medical care to children suffering from myriad illnesses. Often, this takes a toll on their emotional health, as well. Thus, while doing a good deed by donating a teddy bear, those participating are also spreading happiness to the lives of countless children.

Any new stuffed animal can be donated, and it will definitely put a big smile on a child’s face. Yuritzi Alvarez, a junior here at school, says she will definitely be donating to Riley’s. “I think this cause is amazing, and it’s definitely a great idea! I will soon be donating.” However, not every student knows about this donation campaign, as not all teachers have promoted it, and not all students have read the announcements. There are some teachers and staff, though, who have even gone as far as to offering extra credit to students who donate, an example being Mr. Matthew Hartman, the photography teacher. Alvarez explains how none of her teachers have informed her of the drive, but she learned the details through a friend instead. She does believe the extra credit is a good idea, going further into detail by saying, “It can definitely help get more students to donate, and it can even help spread the word around school as more students will begin talking about it.” 

This drive is, again, for a great cause. But, it can still be difficult trying to convince students to donate if they don’t even know about it. Alvarez recommends talking to friends and just helping spread the word. With more communication, more people are bound to participate, which will result in gaining even more donations.  Alvarez leaves off by explaining she is excited to help brighten up the kids’ days! As those at Riley’s would say, “Do it for the kids.”