Spreading Positivity Can Be Contagious


Adyan Al-Shamri, Staff Writer

Brighten up someone’s day and the world all in one.

Growing up, most people have heard someone say to them, “Treat others with kindness.” However, why is it so important to do so? Many different people will have different answers. This can range from something simple to a more deep reason. “It’s important to spread positivity because you never know who really needs it,” Elkhart High School sophomore Kylie Gonzalez simply states. “It’s a great way to brighten up their day and yours, as well, in doing so. It could really help them.” 

Everyone has a bad day, even when it’s not noticeable. It would be great if everyone woke up every morning and was happy, but life usually has other plans. Being able to help someone through that can uplift everyone in the situation. “Putting on a smile and being kind towards others will not only improve their day but also help you be in the best mood possible,” adds a fellow Elkhart High School student, junior Julianne Borowiec.

When it comes to spreading positivity, it doesn’t always need to be a grand gesture; it can be anything. Opportunities are all around helping people be the best versions of themselves. Borowiec speaks on what she finds important when spreading positivity. “Keeping your opinion to yourself when it isn’t the nicest thing is always the best way to be a kind person.” Borowiec continues. “Thinking about how something I say is going to affect the people around you and being aware and accepting of others should be everyone’s top priority as humans.” 

Accepting people for who they are seems simple in theory, but in reality, it can be one of the most challenging concepts for humans. Throughout history, this has become very apparent. Even opening the news will open people up to these realities. Recently, being kind and accepting has become more clear than ever. “I believe it’s difficult for some people to be joyful thes days, since I see the people around them bringing them down,” Gonzalez points out. “Being rude and down seems to be easier for most people, and this in the end brings others down.” 

When someone does something kind it can stick with them–not just the person on the receiving end but also on the giving side. After being kind, people feel better about themselves. “A co-worker of mine had texted me asking to take her to the hospital,” Borowiec begins. “My initial reaction was Why she didn’t just call an ambulance? However, I didn’t know what was going on or if it was money issues. So,” she continues, “instead of refusing, I took her to the hospital. Afterwards, I felt good that I was able to help someone.”

“There are many things a person can do for others,” Gonzalez says. “It can be as little as interacting with someone you might not know and having a great conversation with them. Compliments can be the easiest way to brighten someone’s day.” Not everyone makes it a conscious effort to be kind, but with practice, anything is possible.

Every time someone feels the urge to let loose and let kindness slip his or her mind, Borowiec offers an important point to remember: “Not everyone is born as privileged as you. You don’t know their story–just be kind!”