Urban Adventure: Join In The Race!
April 26, 2022
Sick of being indoors all summer? Want to be outside, sharing in adventures with friends while also meeting new people? Urban Adventures may just be the thing to do!
Join in the Urban Adventure race on July 30. Urban Adventure is an action-packed city-wide scavenger hunt. Participants will group into teams of two and begin on the adventure around the city on bicycles to areas in South Bend, Mishawaka, and Notre Dame. But, it’s not all just scavenger hunts with this fun summer game. Urban Adventures includes is a race, as well. Grace Wesselhoft, a sophomore, considers the racing aspect. “I would want to do the bike races. I like bike riding and know some people that would have fun doing it with me.”
Just last July, more than 150 teams of two made their way around the city and raced to the finish line after completing over 20 tasks–everything from kayaking down the East Race Waterway to swimming across a pool carrying a watermelon. Applying for this year’s fun race is still available, too!
Although the early registration ended in March, the regular registration is still open and accepting people until June 30. The games even have a later registration for latecomers: July 1-30. But, unfortunately, T-shirts aren’t guaranteed with this. Getting an earlier registration is definitely the way to go when wanting to go to this exhilarating adventure. “I might consider going to this,” Wesselhoft reasons. “It seems like it could be fun!”
Another aspect one might consider when signing up is which division of the race to be in. There are three different divisions to sign up for: The Elite Division, The Open Division, and The Fun Division. Each has its different requirements on what each person who signs up needs to be able to do, athletically speaking. For the Elite Division, the teams must be able to run a half-mile, luckily not consecutively, and bike 16-18 miles. Both team members must also be able to swim. This division is also timed, making the winners determined by the fastest time and most checkpoints completed. The Elite is for the hardcore competitors and the thrill-seekers, for sure. The Open Division is about the same, with some minor changes. This division is for the people who still like the challenge but who just want to have fun. The teams for this division must also be able to run a half-mile and bike 12-14 miles. At least one team member should be able to swim. The Open Division is also timed like the Elite Division. Lastly, there is the Fun Division. This race is for the people who are in it just for the fun without the pressure of the time limit. The winners of this competition are only based off of the number of checkpoints completed. It is also a good race for beginners and younger people to try out.
Members must be able to run a quarter-mile and bike 10 miles. Only one team member is needed to be able to swim. Urban Adventure is definitely something to take a look for those who love being active and outside. Even if one has never attempted anything like this in the past, it is worth checking out. Summer might be a lot more interesting when joining these games!