Shedding Light On The Sunshine Protection Act

March 18, 2022
Time to reset those (biological) clocks!
Daylight Savings Time kicked in bright and early Sunday morning, and, with that, the fatigue of suddenly jumping forward an hour also kicked in. Six months from now, it will be time to do it all over again. To some, the cycle seems endless–especially as it affects one’s sleep cycle. Fortunately, there’s good news for sleepy Americans. The U.S. Senate recently passed the Sunshine Protection Act in an effort to eliminate changing times bi-annually. However, the act supports a permanent switch to Daylight Savings Time, rather than opting for the regional Standard Time zones. Not all in Congress support that decision, however, as it affects Greenwich Mean Time. It has yet to reach the House of Representatives, which is the next step in the process.
“I think that it is incredible that the Senate can pass this law on immediately,” shares sophomore Silas Hunt. But, he is not optimistic that it will make it through the House. As for his take on the Act itself, Hunt has his own opinions. “I think this Act is probably wrong,” Hunt states. “We’ll never be able to make something that everybody likes. Keeping Standard Time permanent would be better,” he adds, “because that seems to be more of the standard.”
Based on his recent experience with the time switch, Hunt noted that it made him “a little tired for a day or two, but it was really just a minor inconvenience.” Of greater concern to him, though, is why this change in the hour switch needs to occur at all. Originally, it was introduced in 1918 as a measure to reduce energy. However, that need is not as pressing as it once was, which is why the practice is now being re-evaluated.
Another individual with his own views on this matter would be Keenan Hansborough, a junior. With complete apathy of this event, Hansbrough had this to say: “I don’t actually have much of an opinion on Daylight Savings itself or it gets changed. It’s something I knew existed but never truly acknowledged.” His response is shared by others who do not suffer adverse effects from the change in time.
While Hansborough may not notice the biological effects, he will undoubtedly notice the natural effects–at least in terms of sunrise and sunset. For Midwestern states, such as Indiana who are on Eastern Standard Time, this will equate to darker mornings and lighter evenings all year round, bringing up the separate issue of whether Indiana should be on Eastern or Central Time when the switch occurs. But, that debate is for another time.
This enactment wouldn’t take effect until 2023–which means that Americans still have a little time to weigh in on the subject.