A Fresh Start For The Fresh Prince

February 3, 2022
It’s a fresh start for the Fresh Prince.
With the classic television sit-com Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air–starring Will Smith and running from September 1990 to May 1996–coming back to the screen, many fans are highly excited to see what is to come. However, this reboot of the iconic series will be taking a completely different route from the original, with drama at its core.
The reboot will be a dramaticized version of the original, streaming on NBC titled Bel-Air. Many changes will be made in the new reboot, including a new “fresh prince.” Jabari Banks, a new fresh face into the acting world, will be taking up the starring role. “When I heard about the reboot of the show, I was interested in seeing Will Smith again on the screen,” shares Elkhart High School sophomore Nyelie Romo. “Then, I heard that he won’t be in it and was a little disappointed.” After the disappointment subsided, though, Romo remains curious about the new show. “I am still looking forward to how the new star plays his role.” Romo continues.
Many of the fundamental aspects of the original will still be debuted in the reboot. Aunt Viv and Uncle Phil, who will be played by Cassandra Freeman and Adrian Holmes, will still be fundamental parts of the show. “I’m glad that they still are keeping the family dynamic in it with his aunt, uncle, and cousins,” states Fernando Baca, another sophomore. “For me,” Baca adds, “the family was my favorite part of the show.”
Of course, the original “Fresh Prince” will be having his part in the reboot. Actor Will Smith will now be executive producer in the upcoming series. “Will Smith still being a part for the show–even if it’s as a producer–excites me a bit!” Romo exclaims. “Seeing him go from being the star in the series to the producer will be interesting to watch!”
The trailer for the series is already out and has many fans anticipating the return. “I didn’t even know at first that there was a reboot,” confides Baca. “It wasn’t until a friend of mine who watched the original told me. Then,” he continues, “I went and checked out the trailer and was surprised.” Concluding, Baca says, “I never expected for them to make a drama out of a family sit-com, but they did!”
Bel-Air will be airing its first episode on Feb. 13. Peacock has even already picked up the series for two full seasons. Some online are criticizing the new take on the series, while others express their excitement. However, the only way to know for sure is tuning in Feb. 13 for the first episode. As the Fresh Prince himself says, “I’ll see when I get there. I hope they’re prepared for the [new] prince of Bel-Air!”