A New Addition To The School Of Natural Resources

A New Addition To The School Of Natural Resources

Olivia Miller, Staff Writer

It is a fact that Elkhart High School has been adding many special additions that have been added since the merger. From the school bank to the new weather station!

The weather station is a new addition to the school; it will be a new component of the School of Natural Resources. It will be located on the roof outside the Astronomy Lab. The purpose of this weather station is to monitor weather conditions, providing the Environmental Science classes with real-time data. The reason for this weather station being built is because one component of the School of Natural Resources is Environmental Science and the climate and meteorology play a major part in that and will give students the opportunity to interact with real-time meteorological data and conditions. It has not yet been built, although the components will be delivered in early January, and the date to be done and set up to collect weather data is yet to be determined. 

The weather station will be run by students and teachers of Elkhart High School. The idea came from Mr. David Byrd, the principal of the School of Natural Resources, as well as students and teachers. With there being so much attention given to the environment and climate nowadays, it only makes sense that we establish the capabilities to monitor conditions right here at Elkhart High School. Byrd states, “I see this as being another great example of how the School of Study model can provide students with unique learning experiences.  For students to have access to this kind of equipment is fantastic, and I think it will be an engaging and fun tool to help students learn more about our weather, as well as develop forecasting skills.” 

This weather station being newly added to the school will be a significant addition and will help out students, teachers and faculty in various ways. It will be an amazing opportunity to learn new things and even explore our world a little more and dig deeper. It is exciting to see all these new additions to the school popping up left and right. Who knows what will pop up next, but it sure will be amazing.