What Is Forty-One Minutes?
December 10, 2021
What is Forty-One Minutes?
Forty-one minutes…to do what exactly? Contemplate the different theories of the universe, have one of the best cat-naps in existence, or be the loudest person ever and start yelling at anyone in plain sight? Anyone is eligible to do this, but isn’t this a waste of perfectly extra time to work on anything that is desired to be done?
Forty-one minutes is the exact amount of time that Elkhart High students have in Advisory. This time is supposed to help the productivity of students and teachers. But, is there too much time being given? Is there such a thing? “Advisory is originally used for catching up on work or just getting work done, period,” explains Mr. Brandon Miller to his World History class. The class was debating whether the use of Advisory time is useful or not.
Tuka Farhan, a sophomore, says, “Advisory is pointless…all it’s used for is to let other students cause issues and not work on anything because they are bored. ” Continuing on, Farhan adds, “Advisory is too long for there to be a calm atmosphere in a room filled with students who are ready to go home.” Multiple students agreeing with Farhan over that particular statement. “Classes are longer now, and we now get thrown into another class that isn’t useful, to only have one more class after that. It’s aggravating and dreadful to think about, and yet be in a class for such a long period of time,” shares another student. Thinking of an alternative to the situation, sophomore Isaiah Morris explains, “I get that we have an Advisory to catch a break, but what I don’t get is why it has to be so long? Why can’t we have a shorter period for Advisory and get out early from school instead? It just seems like a waste of time to me.”
So, what does a student do about this? Well, the answer could be by being an example for others–to use the time being given. This time should not be taken for granted. Students need to use this opportunity to increase their productivity, make new friends, or get assignments accomplished. For now, Advisory is forty-one minutes long; there’s no changing that. Let’s make the most out of it.