Top 5 Christmas Movies

December 2, 2021
With Christmas right around the corner TV channels are now playing Christmas movies. Many of these movies are classics while others are Hallmark movies. Everyone has a favorite Christmas movie but according to Esquire the top 5 Christmas movies are all classics. Coming in at No.5 is Home Alone. Kevin McAllister who is just a young boy gets left at home all by himself while his family forgets him while they head on vacation. Sophomore Cory Hausbach states “My favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone.I really like the plot line of the whole movie.” Choosing one of the top 5 Christmas movies Hausbach has a great reason to like Home Alone. This film is full of plot twists and excitement. Along with the excitement this movie shows that family does mean everything and never put anything for granted.
Ranking No.4 is the 1954 musical, White Christmas. Bill Crosby and Danny Kaye decided to join forces as they teamed up with two sisters to help their former military commander. At top 3 is, A Christmas Story, young Ralphie only nine-years old wants nothing more than a rifle for Christmas.
English teacher Eileen Corson states “my favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation because of uncle Eddy and all the humor the movie brings.”The family favorite, National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation is ranked at No.2. Clark, Ellen, Audrey, and Rusty Griswald are in for an eventful family Christmas this year. Last but not least coming in No.1 for the most watched and favorite Christmas movie is, It’s a Wonderful Life. This 1946 film is full of love and laughter as it shows everyone the importance of life.
As the snow starts to fall, thousands of people all around the world will curl up in a blanket with some hot chocolate and watch a family favorite Christmas movie for the holiday all month long